Gift Card

A beautiful gift card that you can send to friends and family


Gift Card


A beautiful gift card that you can send to friends and family

Once you check and pay for the card, we will post you a beautiful printed card with a one time code that can be used by whoever you send the card to.

You can also send them the code by email to use online

SKU: GIFT Category:

Our beef mince is minced through a coarser plate resulting in a chunky texture.

JP is an independent world travelled craft butcher who is passionate about preparing the finest quality meat for you his customer. His aim is to ensure we purchase through a combination of low intensity farming, local sourcing and to prepare all meats through time honoured sensitive processes with no added preservatives at prices that are affordable allowing everyone to enjoy the variety of his cuts, marinades and recipes.

  1. Gavyn Britton

    5* biltong, just the right amount of herbs and fat, delicious and great value too. Definitely a repeat order item.
  2. Jeanette Clayton

    Flipping lovely
  3. Dean M.

  4. Dean Milne

    Best piece of neck I have bought in a long time

All purchases are dispatched within 3 working days, sent in special thermal packaging and will reach you in perfect condition.

PayPal, Debit and credit cards are all accepted

No card details are stored and all payments are made over secure servers


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